Storm Damage & Uprooted Trees

Storm Damage & Uprooted Trees in Auckland

Storm Damage & Uprooted Trees

Large trees can become a hazard in storms or heavy winds, taking precautions when you have a large tree close to your house is essential for safety.

After a storm has passed, trees can be unstable or could have dislodged branches stuck in the canopy,

Empire Tree Services can provide tree inspections on larger trees to make sure they are safe or if the tree has already fallen over or uprooted and blocking your driveway or access way, we provide an after-hours service.

Storm Damaged and Uprooted Trees

Storm-damaged and uprooted trees are a common occurrence after severe weather events such as Cyclones, strong windstorms, or heavy Rainfall. Dealing with these situations requires a careful and systematic approach to ensure safety and promote recovery

Advantages of having maintained trees

Reduced Risk of Limb Failure:

  • Regular pruning helps remove weak, dead, or diseased branches, reducing the risk of limb failure during a storm. This minimizes the potential for falling branches that could cause damage to property or pose safety hazards

Thinning Canopy for Wind Resistance:

  • Properly thinned canopies allow wind to pass through more easily. This reduces wind resistance, minimizing the risk of the entire tree or large limbs being uprooted or broken during a storm.

Increased Property Value:

  • A well-maintained landscape, including healthy and cared-for trees, can enhance the overall value of your property. This is particularly important for homeowners and property owners

Emergency Preparedness:

  • Preemptive maintenance allows for the identification and addressing of potential hazards before they become emergencies. This proactive approach contributes to overall emergency preparedness

In summary, investing in the proper care and maintenance of trees on your property can provide numerous benefits, making them more resilient to storms and adverse weather conditions. Regular monitoring, pruning, and overall care contribute to the health and stability of trees, enhancing their ability to withstand the challenges posed by severe weather events.

Got an uprooted tree? Call us today on 0212953014.

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